Note: all of the entries below have been corrected as of the second printing (12/05)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
- Section 2.6, Page 26, Problem 2.4: There are 19 observations for Caucasians, not 18 as stated.
Chapter 3
- Section 3.4.1, Page 45, Table 3.5: The variable name "CHD69" in the Stata statement should be changed to lower case.
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
- Section 6.3, Page 185, Table 6.20: The headings for the first two columns should be reversed. The correct order is "Outcome, Predictor"
Chapter 7
- Section 7.8, Page 250, Problem 7.2: To get the 11 v. 12 coding. One should add 11, not 10 to the original variable.
Chapter 8
- Section 8.5.2, Page 278, line 9: "2.974" should be "2,974"
- Section 8.6.1, Page 285, Table 8.20: The bias corrected confidence intervals got cut off the bottom of the output. The output should have been:
b__Istday_2 743 -.6426569 -.2134325 .4667512 -1.558967 .2736533 (N) -1.816595 .04441 (P) -1.308754 .8665968 (BC) - Problem 8.9, Page 288: "Section 8.7.1" should be "Section 8.5.2"
- Problem 8.10, Page 288: "study day 1" should be "Hunt-Hess 5"